8 Feb 2025


Diamond Multimedia SupraSonic 336V+ Plug & Play Modem Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: SupraSonic 336V+ Plug & Play
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win20dec.exe


Diamond Multimedia SupraSonic 336V+ Plug & Play Driver. This is a self-extracting archive that includes a Windows (3.x, 95 and NT 4.0) program to flash your SupraExpress 336i Sp. Also contains a readme.txt, a changes.txt, an updated AT command listing, and a program to update the Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 inf file (newdrivr.exe). Read the enclosed readme.txt file for execution instructions.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3074 11-25-96 10:26 sup_wav8.inf 2074 06-26-96 17:40 Sfmorder.txt 36125 11-15-96 07:54 mdmsupv8.inf 15949 06-26-96 01:23 mdmsupra.inf 1733 06-26-96 13:00 Exporder.txt 83243 12-04-96 14:28 336_list.txt 18129 12-05-96 10:38 mdmsupr4.inf 37376 12-05-96 11:17 NEWDRIVR.EXE 919120 12-20-96 09:21 Winflash.exe 1864 12-20-96 09:38 README2.TXT 695 12-20-96 10:25 20chngs.txt 12356 11-06-96 09:05 14chngs.txt 9022 12-20-96 10:38 README.TXT -------- ------- 1140760 13 files

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