8 Feb 2025


Ulink U-Link PC288 Modem Driver

Company: Ulink
Model: U-Link PC288
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ul288w31.zip


Ulink U-Link PC288 Driver. This is a copy of the original Windows 3.1 Driver & Utilities diskette.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24544 03-23-92 19:30 MSDETSTF.DLL 779 04-01-96 10:50 CSETUP.INF 10560 08-28-95 18:03 MODEMKIT.EXE 74528 03-23-92 19:30 MSCOMSTF.DLL 39680 08-28-95 17:47 MSCUISTF.DLL 13440 01-25-96 13:13 COMM.DRV 65440 03-23-92 19:30 MSINSSTF.DLL 14928 03-23-92 19:30 MSSHLSTF.DLL 6144 10-12-93 05:19 MSUILSTF.DLL 21280 11-03-95 16:09 PCEYE.EXE 7184 10-02-95 11:54 PTSNOOP.EXE 4736 07-07-95 12:29 README.WRI 1202 03-30-96 17:41 RELEASE.TXT 12016 04-01-96 10:47 SETUP.EXE 12000 08-28-95 16:58 UINSTALL.EXE 255722 03-30-96 17:33 VMODEM.386 233555 03-29-96 15:36 VPCTCOM.386 78905 03-29-96 14:22 VVOICE.386 -------- ------- 876643 18 files

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