7 Feb 2025


Diamond Multimedia SUP2750 Modem Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: SUP2750
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 95_2750_156_9.zip


Diamond Multimedia SUP2750 Driver. Windows 9x driver for the Diamond MM SupraMax 56K PCI, SUP2750 internal modem.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 116224 03-08-99 17:40 HC.EXE 61440 03-09-99 09:46 INFUNIST.EXE 158416 03-08-99 17:34 HCFCSA.DLL 127488 03-08-99 17:35 HCFCSA32.DLL 148992 03-08-99 17:36 HCFREADR.DLL 0 03-18-99 17:46 sup2750.cat 0 03-18-99 17:45 winm2750.cat 288768 03-08-99 17:37 CSACPL.CPL 13999 03-18-99 17:03 sup2750.cty 19747 04-12-99 16:26 sup2750.inf 2012 01-13-99 14:54 Supwav.inf 4373 04-01-99 16:15 winm2750.inf 369372 04-12-99 16:30 DPAL.VXD 20146 03-08-99 17:40 HCFPNP.VXD 386700 04-12-99 16:23 WIN95AC.VXD 97785 03-08-99 17:41 ROKV42.VXD 10624 04-09-99 15:01 turbovbf.vxd 15371 04-09-99 15:01 turbovcd.vxd 13460 04-12-99 16:31 ROKKMOSD.VXD 554 08-02-99 15:28 readme95.txt -------- ------- 1855471 20 files

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