7 Feb 2025


Agere systems SV92PL-T00 Modem Driver

Company: Agere systems
Model: SV92PL-T00
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: svp2151xp2k.exe


Agere systems SV92PL-T00 Driver. Downloaded and installed by me on April 2, 2005. Card picked up immediately, using XP Pro. Following excerpt is cut & pasted from the 3rd party pay site.

This driver supports Agere (formerly Lucent) softmodems (SV92P, SV92PL, and SV92P2) with PCI Device ID's 048C, 048E, 048F, and 0600. V.92 features supported include Modem-on-hold, Quick Connect (Fast Connect) and PCM upstream. V.44 data compression is also supported. Quick Connect and Modem-on-hold are enabled by default; PCM upstream is disabled by default. These settings can be modified with appropriate V.92 commands. Modem-on-hold version 1.72 should be used with this release. (Modem-on-hold version 1.73 contains only cosmetic changes from 1.72; version 1.73 is compatible but is not being released at Modemsite for the SVP.)

AGRSMDEL.EXE - this program will remove the modem driver and associated registry entries from the system. If the modem does not operate properly, or if the modem is being removed from the system, this program may be run to remove modem settings in Windows.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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